Job@uBuntu is aimed at go-between institutions that offer help to jobseekers in the form of guidance and/or training.
Do you work for an employment service or a go-between organisation? We offer:
- Meetings with dynamic jobseekers and workers of African origin (Afro-descendants)
- Exchanges on working methods and approaches
- The sharing of our expertise with regard to our target group
- Training (in the near future).
We are in regular contact with various employment services (Actiris, VDAB, Tracé Brussel, InBrussel, Bruxelles Formation, JES Brussel, etc.) to identify problems and to make these services aware of the specific characteristics of jobseekers of African descent. Doing so, we make sure the eyes of others can be a support, not a judgement.
Job@uBuntu also wants to share news about Afro-descendants.